
The group was set up in 2011 as part of Calderdale Council’s Neighbourhood Schemes.  Its aim is to offer people, primarily in the 50+ age group within the community of Illingworth and Bradshaw and surrounding areas, a range of activities and classes to help promote their health and well-being. 

Membership starts on the 1st April each year and runs until the 31st March the following year.  After our AGM in September our subscription drops to £3, with only six months to run.  In the New Year membership rises to £5 but the new members get 15 months membership from the January to the end of March the following year. 

The cost of each session is advertised on the Programme of Activities.

When a non-member of the LA Group wishes to try an already well established activity such as Art, Craft, Keep Fit, Kurling, Line Dancing they may do so for one session, free of charge, but if they do not join the LA Group by paying the subscription, then attendance at subsequent activities will be charged at 50 pence above the advertised charge.  When the LA Group is starting a new activity as a Taster Session this rule does not apply and everyone has to pay the advertised cost.

Due to Coronavirus all our activities have had to be stopped and all our trips for this year were cancelled. 

When Illingworth Moor Methodist Church is open and allows normal lettings to take place then we will be in touch with everyone by email and our Facebook page to give full details.  Until then should you need further information you can contact the Secretary on 01422 249070. 

The Launch of the Group at The Fire Station on Friday, 30th March 2012
The Launch of the Group at The Fire Station on Friday, 30th March 2012