Above sees the start of the Kurling on the 6th November 2012
The three pictures below were taken on the first Taster Session (with loaned equipment) – whether there has been an improvement in our performance is anyone’s guess but it is great fun!
Since the above photographs were taken the Committee decided, in view of the success of the Taster Sessions, to purchase two sets of Kurling Stones and these were used for the first time on Tuesday, 8th January 2013 (see pictures below).
August 13th 2013 we have taken delivery of some new equipment – bowls – to cater for the growing number of players attending our weekly sessions.
An update on the above is that due to the continued popularity of Kurling with the LA Group, the Committee have invested in a third set of Kurling Stones and these have been in constant use weekly ever since Tuesday, 20th January 2014.
Now we are in February 2017 and interest in Kurling is just as strong as every at Illingworth.
Week on week members turn up for the friendship, fun and laughter and skill involved in Kurling.